Mul Bhartiya Vichar Manch :
Exceptions are not Rules , Some say there are good Brahmins too , we say exceptions are not rules :
During my childhood , i remember , a Brahmin having badly affected with deformities caused by Kodh that is Leprosy used to come to our ward which was residence of mostly Hindu Non Brahmin castes like Teli , Kunabi , Mahar , Sutar , Chamar , Mali etc . He was coming walking a distance of about 2 Kms where he was staying with mostly well to do Brahmins . Their ward was called Vithal Gujari where as our ward is called Shurkawari .
This leprosy affected Brahmins was not begging in his ward . May be other Brahmins were not giving him alms or avoiding him or out casted him . This Brahmin with deadly affected by Leprosy which is contagious in bad cases was coming to Non Brahmin Hindu ward regularly .
Otherwise , he was nice person , even he used to talk to my father also as to how is his rice business etc but when as alms giving boy , i used to give him rice from my fist and bowl , he used to warn me keep away , give from distance , you are Shudras , do not touch us Brahmin . He was behaving this not only with our caste people but other caste people also like Teli , Mali , Sutar , Kosti , Chamar and all other Non Brahmin people . This is the example of good Brahmin some people use to remind us tellinng that Brahmin and Brahminism are separate and there are good Brahmins also .
I do not say there are not good Brahmin . But that depends and differs with person to person and time to time . But because of this rule can not be made that Brahmins are good . That is exception and negligible exception .
Brahmin in worst condition is also Brahmin never fails to remind that even by accepting alms from you , he is making favor to you . He never fails to remind you that your Varn and caste is inferior to him . He never fails to remind you that they are born to enslave you . He is like BG Tilak who had said that Brahmin rape of Native untouchable girl was for ending untouchablity .
We know Brahmins are Videshi , Good Brahmin or Bad Brahmin is no classification now . Our movement is Native Rule means Non Brahmin Rule means No Brahmin , good or bad .
Nv. D.D.Raut ,
Vicharak , MBVM
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chhodo , Bharat Jodo