Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
It is not Ling-Pinda in Shiv Mandir worshiped : It is small form of Stupa
It is not Ling- Pinda in Shiv Mandir worshiped : It is small form of Stupa.
Brahmin Religion and Hindu Religion are two separate religions. Brahmin Religion people society is Vedic society and they are foreigners and refugees in India. Hindu Religion people are Native Indian society. Brahmins and Hindus are not one society. Brahmins are oppressors, cruel and inhuman society having faith in Vedas, Smruties, Varna, Caste, untouchabilty, Janeu, Yadyna, illiteracy and inequality. It is in fact not Dharma but Adharma and the followers of this faith can be safely called Adhami or Nich peoples and enemies of Human beings.
It is not Ling- Pinda in Shiv Mandir worshiped: It is ancient form of Stupa of early Native Buddhas, Shiv is one among them deformed and defamed by foreigner Vedic -Brahmins who have come as refugees for shelter like many people move across world even now for better atmosphere,, abundant food,water and luxury of life. If Indians go America, for job settle their there and say tomorrow that American Native people are second class, third class, fourth class people claiming superiority over American will not it be called wrong ? Similarly we call Brahmins who based on Vedas and Smruties and some nonsense rituals Yadyna and Janeu claim Native Indians lower graded and untouchables and sub human how it can be accepted by any human being on earth ?
Native Indian people before Vedic - Brahmin Religion people came to India as refugees were well civilized and cultural as seen from the Harrapa and Mohanjodaro excavation history. Even Vedic Brahmin Gang of Brahma, Vishnu, Indra, Narad etc depicts the Native Kings who were never conquered by Brahmins but in agreement that is called Samudra Manthan i.e. Meet, the Native kings have allowed Brahmins some facilities temporarily and not the citizenship of India for ever. The same treaty still exist and living of Brahmins in this country will be governed by that treaty depending on their behavior.
We have linage of ancient Buddhas our spiritual Gurus, Seers, Sants, Mahatmas and India was never short of such people in history and as on date. There is no need for Indians to follow the Brahmin Religion which is anti humanity. All Shiv Mandirs in India and world over have the small forms of ancient stupas of our old Buddhas which we worship and not Ling- Pinda as Brahmins defamed and derogated our worship places to suit their interest and wipe out our Native Hindu Religion to en mount their inhuman Brahmin Religion.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Brahmin Religion and Hindu Religion are two separate religions. Brahmin Religion people society is Vedic society and they are foreigners and refugees in India. Hindu Religion people are Native Indian society. Brahmins and Hindus are not one society. Brahmins are oppressors, cruel and inhuman society having faith in Vedas, Smruties, Varna, Caste, untouchabilty, Janeu, Yadyna, illiteracy and inequality. It is in fact not Dharma but Adharma and the followers of this faith can be safely called Adhami or Nich peoples and enemies of Human beings.
It is not Ling- Pinda in Shiv Mandir worshiped: It is ancient form of Stupa of early Native Buddhas, Shiv is one among them deformed and defamed by foreigner Vedic -Brahmins who have come as refugees for shelter like many people move across world even now for better atmosphere,, abundant food,water and luxury of life. If Indians go America, for job settle their there and say tomorrow that American Native people are second class, third class, fourth class people claiming superiority over American will not it be called wrong ? Similarly we call Brahmins who based on Vedas and Smruties and some nonsense rituals Yadyna and Janeu claim Native Indians lower graded and untouchables and sub human how it can be accepted by any human being on earth ?
Native Indian people before Vedic - Brahmin Religion people came to India as refugees were well civilized and cultural as seen from the Harrapa and Mohanjodaro excavation history. Even Vedic Brahmin Gang of Brahma, Vishnu, Indra, Narad etc depicts the Native Kings who were never conquered by Brahmins but in agreement that is called Samudra Manthan i.e. Meet, the Native kings have allowed Brahmins some facilities temporarily and not the citizenship of India for ever. The same treaty still exist and living of Brahmins in this country will be governed by that treaty depending on their behavior.
We have linage of ancient Buddhas our spiritual Gurus, Seers, Sants, Mahatmas and India was never short of such people in history and as on date. There is no need for Indians to follow the Brahmin Religion which is anti humanity. All Shiv Mandirs in India and world over have the small forms of ancient stupas of our old Buddhas which we worship and not Ling- Pinda as Brahmins defamed and derogated our worship places to suit their interest and wipe out our Native Hindu Religion to en mount their inhuman Brahmin Religion.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Friday, November 25, 2011
Harvinder afollower of godse slaps Sharad Pawar
Harvinder Singh who slapped Sharad Pawar, NCP president and union minister yesterday is seem to be neither Sikh nor Indian as true qualities of both are absent from him. He seems from the ideological clan of Nathuram Godse, a mad Brahmin Religion follower of Savarkar and Tilak whose ideas of foolishness are being carried forward to destabilized the fabrics of democracy and parliament where discussion and solution to problem are arrived at.There is no scope for killing like Godse and slapping like Harvinder. The hero of such people are like Saverkar and Tilak who are foreigners to this country as Tilak proudly and arrogantly told in his books written on Aryan- Brahmin Religion.Those who follow this inhuman Brahmin Religion and come under the influence of such idiotic ideology following groups like RSS, BJP are bound to behave irrelevant , illogical and illiterate manner of killing , beating and slapping etc. True Hindu Religion of Kabir , True Sikhs Religion of Nanak, True Buddhist Religion of Buddha and true Jain Religion of Mahavir have no place for Brahmin Religion thinking. So also, Muslim and Christian and other Religion do not teach such hate thoughts. We condemn these Brahmin Religion back door entry among in the Native Hindu fold and advise wrong going youth like Harvinder, Anna Hajare and others to keep away from such groups which make India little and ashamed.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Bhagat Singh worked for break of Brahmin Religion Hold
Bhagat Singh worked for break of Brahmin Religion Hold.
Standing in league with Dr Ambedkar, Bhagat Singh supported the untouchables’ demands for separate electorate system. Both Ambedkar and Bhagat Singh shared similar feelings towards the Brahmin dominated Indian society in which they lived. Though Ambedkar and Bhagat Singh differed in their approach to attaining liberty for Dalits, and non-Brahmins, their critique of caste system, caste ridden society, and Hinduism worked synergistically to break the sanctified religious hold of Brahmin supremacy on Indian society while at the same time transforming Dalits and other non- Brahmins into a dynamic force for social change. No doubt, Bhagat Singh will always remain a hope for all those who believe in secular socialist values and reject the caste based hierarchical system.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Standing in league with Dr Ambedkar, Bhagat Singh supported the untouchables’ demands for separate electorate system. Both Ambedkar and Bhagat Singh shared similar feelings towards the Brahmin dominated Indian society in which they lived. Though Ambedkar and Bhagat Singh differed in their approach to attaining liberty for Dalits, and non-Brahmins, their critique of caste system, caste ridden society, and Hinduism worked synergistically to break the sanctified religious hold of Brahmin supremacy on Indian society while at the same time transforming Dalits and other non- Brahmins into a dynamic force for social change. No doubt, Bhagat Singh will always remain a hope for all those who believe in secular socialist values and reject the caste based hierarchical system.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Bhagat Singh worked for break of Brahmin Religion Hold
Bhagat Singh worked for break of Brahmin Religion Hold.
Standing in league with Dr Ambedkar, Bhagat Singh supported the untouchables’ demands for separate electorate system. Both Ambedkar and Bhagat Singh shared similar feelings towards the Brahmin dominated Indian society in which they lived. Though Ambedkar and Bhagat Singh differed in their approach to attaining liberty for Dalits, and non-Brahmins, their critique of caste system, caste ridden society, and Hinduism worked synergistically to break the sanctified religious hold of Brahmin supremacy on Indian society while at the same time transforming Dalits and other non- Brahmins into a dynamic force for social change. No doubt, Bhagat Singh will always remain a hope for all those who believe in secular socialist values and reject the caste based hierarchical system.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Standing in league with Dr Ambedkar, Bhagat Singh supported the untouchables’ demands for separate electorate system. Both Ambedkar and Bhagat Singh shared similar feelings towards the Brahmin dominated Indian society in which they lived. Though Ambedkar and Bhagat Singh differed in their approach to attaining liberty for Dalits, and non-Brahmins, their critique of caste system, caste ridden society, and Hinduism worked synergistically to break the sanctified religious hold of Brahmin supremacy on Indian society while at the same time transforming Dalits and other non- Brahmins into a dynamic force for social change. No doubt, Bhagat Singh will always remain a hope for all those who believe in secular socialist values and reject the caste based hierarchical system.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Greatness of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Ambedkar
Great people are those who accept greatness of others.
Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Ambedkar were great people and never hesitated in accepting the greatness of others including the enemies. Both were having great respect for each other but at the same time they differed on many points on subject such as Independence, gross ills in Brahminical - Hindu Religion. never the less Dr Ambedkar appreciated Mahatma Gandhi for his what even small efforts for correction of these ills. Dr. Ambedkar was also had some good words for Gandhiji which are in his own word as follows.
Ambedkar’s reaction to Gandhi’s action at Vaikom was qualified. While he felt that the
latter was not going far enough in his crusade against Untouchability, he nevertheless
admitted that ‘when one is spurned by everyone, even the sympathy shown by Mahatama
Gandhi is of no little importance’.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Brahmins are not Hindus said Mahatma Phule
Jyotirao Phule's critique of the caste system began with his attack on the Vedas, the most fundamental texts of forward-caste Hindus. He considered Vedas as 'idle fantasies' as 'palpably absurd legends'. He considered Vedas a 'form of false consciousness'. [9]
He believed that the true inhabitants of Bharat are the Astik.[10] He also believed that the Brahmins were outsiders to Hinduism. This was also the view spoken by Keshavarao Jehde.[11]
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Monday, November 21, 2011
Brahmin Religion : The Religion of Rapists, Kidnapers and Corrupts
What is the specialty of Brahmin Religion
1) Brahmin Religion founder Brahma raped his own daughter Saraswati.
2) Brahmin Ravan follower of Brahmin Religion kidnapped Sita wife of Native king Ram who killed Ravan a Brahmin for his this crime.
3) Ganga Bhatt a Brahmin Religion Priest ?. of Kashi took gold hons( Rs.) 100000 from Shivaji as bribe for his coronation.
What we find Brahmin Religion is the Religion of Rapists, Kidnapers and Corrupts.
What do you say ? Is this Religion ?
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Why this message : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
One friend asked why this message : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
We explained him as follows:
In India there are several religions. Some are of Indian origin namely Jainis, Buddhist, Sikh and Hindu. Some Religions have come to India with the people who came to India for settlement , business, battle etc. Parsi, Christian and Muslim religions are like that. One Religion does not permit conversion like Parsi. One more Religion has come to India that is Brahmin Religion . Brahmin Religion people follow Vedas, Smurites, Bhagwat, Gita and other books where Varna, Caste, Untouchability, Women Inferiority, Illeteracy etc are upheld. Varnas are based on Birth and Manu Smriti rule that religion.These Brahmin Religion people have come to India as Refugees and settled in India obtaining land from ruling Kings of Native Indian. With lapse of time and after lot of inhumanity to Native People the Brahmin Religion people mixed with Native Indian Hindu Religion people surmounting their superiority and their Brahmin Religion faith on Native Hindu Religion people wrongly calling the Books of their Religion and faith is Hindu Religion placing the people of Hindu Religion in lower Varnas namely Kshetriya, Vaisha and Shudras and Ati Suhdras , Untouchables, Vanjatis, Nomedics etc. Hindu Religion people have realized from time to time that Brahmin Religion is separate and Hindu Religion is separate. Buddist, Jainis, Sikhs have left Badly mixed up Hindu- Brahmin Compound mixture getting fade up with Brahmin Religion Varnwad etc. Dharmata Kabirji revealed that Hindu Religion is separate from Brahmin Religion ans Hindu Religion teachings are given to Hindus In Holy Bijak. What we say is Hindu Religion is separate and Brahmin Religion is separate. We Majority Native Hindu Religion people do not have faith in Varnas. In the line of Buddha, Mahavir, Nanak, many other people do not follow Brahmin Religion Gandhiji was one of them who left Janeu like Guru Nanak. Janeu is the Brahminical ritual and not Hindu ritual. The mixed up population gets divided due to Janeu as it is Manu Smriti rule of system which was burned by Dr. Ambedkar. What we want is Varnaless, Caste less society. So the so called upper Varna has to leave that Varna to make one people . There can not be Janeu and oneness of society. We asking these people to leave that . Our movement is socio- political like Congress of Gandhiji period. We believe in the teachings and thoughts of Dharmatma Kabir, Mahatma Phule, Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi , Bharat Bhagya Vidhata Dr. Ambedkar and the Youngest Martyr of India Baji Raut. If they do not leave Bharat can not be united. Therefore our Message Is : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
We explained him as follows:
In India there are several religions. Some are of Indian origin namely Jainis, Buddhist, Sikh and Hindu. Some Religions have come to India with the people who came to India for settlement , business, battle etc. Parsi, Christian and Muslim religions are like that. One Religion does not permit conversion like Parsi. One more Religion has come to India that is Brahmin Religion . Brahmin Religion people follow Vedas, Smurites, Bhagwat, Gita and other books where Varna, Caste, Untouchability, Women Inferiority, Illeteracy etc are upheld. Varnas are based on Birth and Manu Smriti rule that religion.These Brahmin Religion people have come to India as Refugees and settled in India obtaining land from ruling Kings of Native Indian. With lapse of time and after lot of inhumanity to Native People the Brahmin Religion people mixed with Native Indian Hindu Religion people surmounting their superiority and their Brahmin Religion faith on Native Hindu Religion people wrongly calling the Books of their Religion and faith is Hindu Religion placing the people of Hindu Religion in lower Varnas namely Kshetriya, Vaisha and Shudras and Ati Suhdras , Untouchables, Vanjatis, Nomedics etc. Hindu Religion people have realized from time to time that Brahmin Religion is separate and Hindu Religion is separate. Buddist, Jainis, Sikhs have left Badly mixed up Hindu- Brahmin Compound mixture getting fade up with Brahmin Religion Varnwad etc. Dharmata Kabirji revealed that Hindu Religion is separate from Brahmin Religion ans Hindu Religion teachings are given to Hindus In Holy Bijak. What we say is Hindu Religion is separate and Brahmin Religion is separate. We Majority Native Hindu Religion people do not have faith in Varnas. In the line of Buddha, Mahavir, Nanak, many other people do not follow Brahmin Religion Gandhiji was one of them who left Janeu like Guru Nanak. Janeu is the Brahminical ritual and not Hindu ritual. The mixed up population gets divided due to Janeu as it is Manu Smriti rule of system which was burned by Dr. Ambedkar. What we want is Varnaless, Caste less society. So the so called upper Varna has to leave that Varna to make one people . There can not be Janeu and oneness of society. We asking these people to leave that . Our movement is socio- political like Congress of Gandhiji period. We believe in the teachings and thoughts of Dharmatma Kabir, Mahatma Phule, Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi , Bharat Bhagya Vidhata Dr. Ambedkar and the Youngest Martyr of India Baji Raut. If they do not leave Bharat can not be united. Therefore our Message Is : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Shivaji was Mahar from Rajastan
Shivaji was Mahar from Rajastan
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies , University of London Vol 50 page 160 reveals that " Shivaji was Mahar from Rajastan"
What you say?
We say bring down Manuwadi Maratha government of Maharashtra as it is against Native People Reservation benefits.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Mauwadi Maratha government of Maharashtra
Why Sanskrut ? Why Not Marathi University at Ramtek ?
Manuwadi Maratha Government of Maharashtra is the biggest hurdle in the development of Maharashtra, Marathi people and Marathi language. This Manuwadi Maratha government did not make any Marathi University during last 50 years in the state but allowed Sanskrit University at Ramtek without demand,without people and need of the same. Why Sanskrut? Why not Matathi University? Will this Manuwadi Maratha government reply?
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Marathi peoples : Sanskrut Hatao Marathi lao
Manuwadi Maratha Government of Maharashtra is the biggest hurdle in the development of Maharashtra, Marathi people and Marathi language. This Manuwadi Maratha government did not make any Marathi University during last 50 years in the state but allowed Sanskrit University at Ramtek without demand,without people and need of the same. Why Sanskrut? Why not Matathi University? Will this Manuwadi Maratha government reply?
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Marathi peoples : Sanskrut Hatao Marathi lao
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Foolish Brahmins follow Foolish Brahmins
Brahmin fools are the followers of Brahmin fools :
None of the guru ghantals of Brahmin Religion are worthy of any thing , respect is far away. Only fools go to these people and born fools Brahmins are bound to follow them. The words for description was used by Valmiki a Native in Prakrut language correctly as human but Brahmins translated the original story in Sanskrit mixing so many foolish thing in that subsequently. Sanskrit is the language developed by Brahmin Religion people as a Terrorist code Language to terrorize Native people and follow those Terrorist activities hiding from majority common people . Balmiki was native therefore there is no question of his knowing Sanskrit language. However many things pushed in the origional story in his name by Brahmins to condemn Native people subsequently. The story of Shambhuka is also same to defame Ram in the eyes of Native people since Hindu Religion follower Native King Ram killed a Brahmin Religion greatest notorious person of the world ever saw Ravan who was Brahmin. Science does not bother for what you and Brahmins feel , it is proved beyond doubt that Brahmins in India are foreigners and since not Native have come to India as refugees during the time of Many Native Kings including King Bali. Vaman was the leader of Beggars gang of Brahmins at the time of Native King Bali who gave a very small land to these refugees to hide their heads. Vaman was so happy and joyous the he felt as if he got haven in that small piece of land.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
None of the guru ghantals of Brahmin Religion are worthy of any thing , respect is far away. Only fools go to these people and born fools Brahmins are bound to follow them. The words for description was used by Valmiki a Native in Prakrut language correctly as human but Brahmins translated the original story in Sanskrit mixing so many foolish thing in that subsequently. Sanskrit is the language developed by Brahmin Religion people as a Terrorist code Language to terrorize Native people and follow those Terrorist activities hiding from majority common people . Balmiki was native therefore there is no question of his knowing Sanskrit language. However many things pushed in the origional story in his name by Brahmins to condemn Native people subsequently. The story of Shambhuka is also same to defame Ram in the eyes of Native people since Hindu Religion follower Native King Ram killed a Brahmin Religion greatest notorious person of the world ever saw Ravan who was Brahmin. Science does not bother for what you and Brahmins feel , it is proved beyond doubt that Brahmins in India are foreigners and since not Native have come to India as refugees during the time of Many Native Kings including King Bali. Vaman was the leader of Beggars gang of Brahmins at the time of Native King Bali who gave a very small land to these refugees to hide their heads. Vaman was so happy and joyous the he felt as if he got haven in that small piece of land.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Reservation means Independence
Reservation means Independence:
What is the meaning of Independence? To us it means "Reserved Right to Rule
the Nation" by all means. It is absolute right with out any compromise.
Native Right is like that. The Right to Rule this Nation by Native People
is our Reserved right. This is Reservation. We do not require sanction and
per cent from anybody. But to share our full right with Brahmins the foreigners and refugees or not is our right as refugees can not demand as right. Brahmin superiority is like a ghost which in fact did not exist.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Sunday, November 13, 2011
RSS spokesperson of Brahmins and Brahmin Religion
By Ram Puniyani
In October 2000 Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh completed seventy-five Years of its existence. This occasion is being used in many a ways by the leadership of RSS. On one hand it reiterated its Hindutva line and gave different advises and intimidation to the minorities that they should regard Ram and Krishna as their icons, they should break their religious affiliations to the 'foreign' Churches and go in for swadeshi churches, should accept the Hindu culture, should Indianize themselves, and that Christianity is more of a politics rather than a religion. On the other hand it started a Direct To Home campaign in order to improve its image in people's eyes. In last three years its image has got sullied (or is it that its REAL image has come to surface?) due to the blatant role of its progeny in the anti- Christian violence. As such RSS activities against the minorities and the creation of anti-Minority atmosphere are linked to its actions and a large section of people are realizing the anti-minority character of this organization. In order to reassert its retrograde ideology it has decided to go from house to house with the leaflets glorifying its 'nationalism' 'patriotism' and what not. Even a cursory glance at the leaflets makes it clear that it has no remorse for the outcome of its 'Hate Campaign.' On the contrary by falsifying the facts and projecting its non-existing relationship with freedom fighters, leaders of Anti-Brahmin movements like Dr. Ambedkar, it is trying to put a respectable gloss on its despicable ideology and actions. The leaflet is an exercise in the falsification of events, manufacture of non-events in to its foundations and also to get certification from those who are really respectable today and who not only refused to identify with this organization but also criticized its ideology and actions in subtle and overt ways.To begin with, it glorifies its founder Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar as an important leader of freedom struggle who was imprisoned due to his participation in different agitations for freedom. This is just the beginning of lessons as to how to surpass Goebbles in a game, which he invented in the service of fascist politics. Hedgewar is projected to have actively participated in the different agitations launched by Congress. As a matter of fact he participate only in a single agitation (1930) and his motives were to wean away the activists of Congress for the communal politics which he was espousing. We don't have to look at any outside source for this basic fact. One of his biographies was published by his follower, C.P. Bhishikar (Sanghvriksha ke beej, The Seeds of the RSS). Says this swayamsevak Bhishikar: '[In 1930] Mahatma Gandhi had called upon the people to break different laws of Govt. Gandhi himself launched Salt Satyagrah by undertaking Dandi March. Dr. Saheb (Hedgewar) sent message everywhere that Sangh will not participate in the Satyagrah...This meant that any responsible worker of Sangh could not participate in satyagrah. (p. 20), and again 'Dr. Saheb had the confidence that with the freedom loving, self sacrificing and reputed group inside with him there, he would discuss the Sangh with them and win them over for its work'. Thus it is clear that neither did RSS participate in this struggle nor Dr. Hedgewar went to jail in this last instance to further the cause of Non-cooperation, the aim of Congress leadership.
Congress leadership in due course realized the disruptive nature of the activities of RSS (and also of course its twin Hindu Mahasabha and its opposite parallel the Muslim League) and its agenda of sowing the seeds of discord between different communities and passed a resolution forbidding Congress members from becoming the members of these organizations.
Attitude of RSS towards the movement for freedom struggle becomes clearer in the writings of M.S. Golwalkar, the Second Supremo. (Shri Guruji Samgra Darshan, Vol. IV, p. 39-40). Golwalkar points out that RSS volunteers should not participate in the struggle, he approvingly quotes his mentor Dr. Hedgewar here, stating that going to jail will disturb the family life and will also cause disruption in the routine activities of RSS. He goes on to state (p.41), 'In 1942 also there was a strong sentiment in the hearts of many at that time too but the routine work of Sangh continued. Sangh did not do anything directly.' Bhishikar's book also makes it clear that Hedgewar did not comment anything against British rule. This non-participation was even ideologically formulated by MS Golwalkar, as per whom fighting against British is reactionary and he accused the Congress for reducing the national struggle to 'mere' anti-British movement. Golwalkar writes, 'Being anti British was equated with patriotism and nationalism. This reactionary view had disastrous effect upon the entire course of the independence struggle, its leaders and the common people' (Golwalkar, Bunch of Thoughts 1939). 'Golwalkar believed that the British not be given any excuse to ban the RSS. On April 29, 1943 Golwalkar distributed a circular that 'We discontinue practice included in the governments order on military drill and uniforms to keep our work clearly within bounds of law, as every law abiding institution should'...' (Quoted in A G Noorani, Frontline, 1 Dec. 1995). Obviously, with this ideological formulation the Sangh Parivar did not and could not fight against the British.
The RSS equated its nationalism with being against Muslims and hence its constant harps against the national leadership for 'appeasement of Muslims'. Lajpat Rai one of the columnists in a letter to Times of India (Jan 18, 94) points out 'RSS kept away even from Naval revolt because they (mutineers) used guns against the British and the RSS considered fighting against British as 'disastrous' and 'reactionary'.
It is just 'fortunate' this leaflet steers clear of the role of present Prime Minister, the proud Swayasmsevak's role in the Quit India movement as very recently his role was exposed in an in depth investigation in Frontline Feb. 20, 1998. (Manini Chatterjee and V K Ramchandran.).
Vajapayee in one of the articles had claimed that he participated in the Quit India Movement and was jailed. This investigation nails the lie of his participation in Quit India Movement in 1942. The controversy around his role in the Bateshwar incident comes out very well here. He had given a confessional statement in the court which helped in his release from the jail for his being just the onlooker of the assembly which went on to damage the government property. At that time he was a dedicated and active member of RSS. In his confession he wriggles out of active participation. ' I along with my brother followed the crowd, I did not cause any damage. I did not render any assistance in demolishing the government buildings'. His statement provided an accurate description of the events on which prosecution could build its case very well. But all these facts do not matter as far as RSS is concerned. Through the vast reach of its Shakhas and section of communalized media it can gloat over its non-existing role in freedom struggle and patriotic and nationalist credentials, which are totally false and baseless.Though RSS leaflet gives credit to RSS for saving Kashmir, saving democracy in India it also reminds its followers that it is none else than RSS which spearheaded the Ramjanmbhumi campaign (which eventually led to Babri demolition and massive anti- Muslim pogroms), it also reminds its obsession with cow as the symbol of cultural nationalism (another name for North Indian upper caste culture), it also gives the signals of its anti-Minority thrust by equating the colonial rule with the invasion by Muslim kings in India (both have entirely different characteristics, the British powers coming here for establishing markets and for plunder of raw materials while the invasion of Muslim kings and Mughal rule was the fight between different kings for the hegemony of the territories and they settled here and became the integral part of society and its dynamics), it does go on to remind that the insurgency in North-East is due to the conversions. Also it states that strength of the Nation is Hindu unity etc. This fist hitting the minorities in this document is covered with velvet gloves. But the accusations are all the same there, the accusations which have formed the base of anti-minority myth, hatred and violence.The most manipulative part comes when it tries to extract 'certificates' of good conduct by being associated with Bhagat Singh, Dr. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi, who himself happened to fall to the bullets of a follower of Hindutva ideology, an ideology which RSS is propagating with gusto. One fails to understand why RSS is so desperate to put the certificates from these National heroes who had nothing in common with the goals and agenda of RSS.
The concoction that it helped in the work of Bhagat Singh will probably go down as the most blatant lie, which RSS can ever manufacture. RSS was formed in 1925, and for a long time its poison was restricted to Maharashtra. Bhagat Singh embraced the gallows in 1931 and his group was more active in North India. While RSS was propagating Hindu Rashtra and Hindu unity, singing praises of Hindu kings and supporting the zamindars, Bhagat Singh was talking of a socialist India, he was banking on workers and peasants, he staked his life in anti-British activity, while RSS, initially a Brahmin- Bania outfit hid behind the curtains of 'Organizational work' whenever there was a need to confront the British might. It sheepishly or deliberately never opposed the British rule in practice and even in theory. It aimed all its guns against Muslims, eulogized the Hindu princes of riyasats and drew heavy support from the landed aristocracy. There is a polar contrast between Bhagat Singh and his colleagues' mission who formed Hindustan Socialist Republic army and were deeply influenced by Marxism while for RSS even today Marxism and Socialism rank as the biggest dangers to the Hindu Rashtra, their secret and open agenda.
As far as Ambedkar commenting that Swayamsevaks don't believe in caste is just a small part of the story. One has to see the Ambedkar and RSS relationship, I mean the lack of it in totality. Ambedkar humiliated by the Brahminical Hinduism vowed that he was born a Hindu but he will not die a Hindu. He went on to burn Manu Smiriti as a symbol of subjugation of Shudras and women. Same time Mr. Golwalkar wrote in praise of Manu as the first ever lawgiver of the human race whose laws are valid eternally. The contrast between Dr. Ambedkar and the present RSS supremo Mr. Sudarshan is something totally revealing. Dr. Ambedkar burnt Manusmriti and went in to be Chairman of the drafting committee of Indian Constitution. Mr. Sudarshan states that Indian constitution should be scrapped and be replaced by the one based on Hindu Holy Scriptures. And the Hindu Holy Scripture, which lays down the laws, is of course Manusmiriti itself. But still RSS does need to be 'complemented' for its shrewd use its retrograde ideology to its advantage.
About Mahatmaji's comments about RSS there is much more to it than presented by this leaflet. Pyarelal, Mahatmaji's Secretary recalls an interesting episode throwing light on this. Gandhi's attitude towards RSS in 1934 may have been non-committal but against this we need to place his unqualified denunciation of the organization some years later, which have been recorded by him. In the wake of 1946 riots, a member of Gandhi's entourage had praised the efficiency, discipline, courage and capacity for hard work shown by RSS cadres at Wagah, a major transit camp for Punjab refugees. 'But don't forget', answered Gandhiji, even so had Hitler's Nazis and the Fascists under Mussolini.' He went on to characterize the RSS as a 'communal body with a totalitarian outlook'. (Pyarelal, Mahatma Gandhi: The Last Phase, Ahmadabad, p 440). Gandhi categorically declared that 'the way (to national independence) does not lie through akharas...if they are meant as a preparation for self defence in Hindu-Muslim conflicts, they are fore-doomed to failure. Muslims can play the same game, and such preparations, covert or overt, do cause suspicion and irritation. They can provide no remedy' (G.D. Tendulkar, Mahatma, Vol. III, Bombay, 1945 pp.130-134). The propagation that it is because of the efforts of Hindus that India has gained the status of Jagat Guru, Teacher of the world, defies all the logic. Now the wisdom of the world is a collective effort of different communities and no one nation or community has got such a status as 'world teacher.' The knowledge, understanding and culture is a multifactorial, multi-centered process and any one group claiming such a status is either suffering from a genuine inferiority complex or is out of its mind. There cant be a third explanation for this raving assertion of the RSS and its progeny. This type of statement becomes much more painful today when we realize that at most stages in the history, India was not free from caste oppression, at most known times in history women did not have an equal status, at no time was it a land of milk and honey for all as claimed by the leaflet. On second thought probably it all sounds a deliberate glorification to distract the attention from the glaring poverty, hunger, disease and misery prevalent in our country today. And RSS as an upholder of the ideology of 'status quo' needs all the arguments to lull the demands for justice and Human rights and so these fabrications of the glorious past and the status as world leaders.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Dharmatma revealed Hindu Religion
From time to time Hindu society was introspecting to find out how to take out filth and dirt mixed in Hindu Religion. Those who born as Brahmins, Kshetiya, Vaisha, Shudra and Atisudra, Outcastes as have been called by Brahmin Religion followers in the past is the contribution of Brahmin Religion to Hindu Religion. Before British , Muslim coming to India people from the above so called Varnas and various castes humanist people tried to filter the such mixed up Hindu society. Raja Ram Roy, Lokhitwadi Deshmukh etc Brahmin Religion followers were for reforms in combined Hindu- Brahmin mix up religion.On other hand non Brahmin Religion people Mahatma Phule, and various Sants were for drastic changes in combined Hindu- Brahmin religion. This failed many times as would be seen from history that Mahaveer , Buddha, Nanak rejected all to gather Brahmin Religion and formed such Religion which has not relation to Brahmin Religion. But at the same time they did not press much on the point that the old Hindu Religion which was existing before Brahmin Religion should be recalled . Their followers named their religion with their name to identify clearly that their religion is separate from badly mixed up Hindu- Brahmin religion. After them first time, Dharmatma made efforts to tell Hindus what is their religion rejecting all Brahmin Religion ideology very clearly. His teaching is meticulously preserved in Holy BIJAK. This was the time when Brahmin Religion people were successful in killing Mahaveer, and limiting his religion to very few people. A mass Buddhist Religion waswiped out killing almost all Budhist monks by Pusha Mitra Sung giving 100 gold coins for each Budhist monk cutoff head. Muslim advent gave birth to Guru Nanak and Sikhism but Brahmins inroads in his made away some of his teachings.
In all this incidences Dharmatma kabir who was predecessor of Guru Nanak had made full efforts and revealed the old Hindu Religion in his teachings which also is part of Guru Granth Sahib.
Daharmatma Kabir has fully succedded in filtering out the pure Hindu Religion from compound of dirt and filth mixed Brahmin Religion. Dr Ambedkar new it very well. therefore he has accepted him as his first Guru, Mahatma Phule as his second Guru and Buddha is Final , third Guru. The contribution of all these three can not be forgotten by anybody. We do not say to any body that Buddhist, Jain, Sikhs, Muslim, Parsi, or any other religion is wrong and do not accept. People are free to accept any religion. But so for Hindu Religion is concerned, having found out pure Hindu Religion in Holy BIJAK why we should allow the Brahmin Religion to enforce their inhuman and unwanted interference in our Hindu Religion which is proved beyond any doubt is separate and older than Brahmin Religion.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Massage to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo. 
In all this incidences Dharmatma kabir who was predecessor of Guru Nanak had made full efforts and revealed the old Hindu Religion in his teachings which also is part of Guru Granth Sahib.
Daharmatma Kabir has fully succedded in filtering out the pure Hindu Religion from compound of dirt and filth mixed Brahmin Religion. Dr Ambedkar new it very well. therefore he has accepted him as his first Guru, Mahatma Phule as his second Guru and Buddha is Final , third Guru. The contribution of all these three can not be forgotten by anybody. We do not say to any body that Buddhist, Jain, Sikhs, Muslim, Parsi, or any other religion is wrong and do not accept. People are free to accept any religion. But so for Hindu Religion is concerned, having found out pure Hindu Religion in Holy BIJAK why we should allow the Brahmin Religion to enforce their inhuman and unwanted interference in our Hindu Religion which is proved beyond any doubt is separate and older than Brahmin Religion.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party

Thursday, November 10, 2011
Hindu Religion is older than Brahmin Religion
Hindus never accepted Brahmin Religion as their Religion. But Brahmin religion people go on making propaganda that Brahmins are Hindus. For their own interest Brahmins make such claim. But when it is not in the interest of Hindu Religion and Hindu people why Hindus should accept Brahmins claim? Unfortunately some ignorant people are mixing Brahmin Religion with Hindu Religion. Brahmins have habit of that. they have mixed Brahmin religion with Buddhist Religion, Sikhs Religion, Jain Religion so many things. Do Buddhist people will accept Brahmins that mixing up and claim ? If not why Hindus are being asked agained and again to accept Brahmin Religion as Hindu Religion.? We are clarifying that Hindu Religion is separate and Brahmin Religion is separate. So at least educated and thinking people should not mix up both and scold Hindu Religion instead of Brahmin Religion. People should be fare to say it is Brahmin Religion , we repeat Brahmin Religion.
Hindu Religion is older than Brahmin Religion, Buddhist Religion , Jain Religion , Sikh Religion, and other religions. Brahmins came to India as refugees may be due to tsunami in North pole area where they stayed . They scattered.and and went in small groups considering the populatino of world that time. In India they were and are refugees. They requested for small land for settlement . "Bhatala di li oosari , Bhat halu halu pay pasari " is the historical saying by our ancestors. That should be eye opener. But there were some classes as well and continued long. We should not forget that we were civilized and well cultured people at the time of King Bali and many our Native Kings before Brahmins coming. King Bali's danivrutti shows that we were a religious people. Can any well cultured civilized society develop with out religion? Even Buddha and Mahaveer acknowledged existing of Or religion in the past and religious gurus in the past. Jo Buddha pale huye , jo wartaman me hey and jo bhavish me hoge unhe be vandan confirms that human civilization is not only 3000 to 4000 years old.
Recently the Dharmatma Kabir has revealed and reenforced that Hindu Dharma in Holy BIJAK . And now Hindushave only one code book of Hindu Religion. and that is Holy BIJAK. Due to some ignorance and due to destroying our Hindu Religion and mixing it with Brahmins with their Books and faith, like Buddha Religion the Hindu Religion has disappeared or we can say forgotten , but now we know our reality and having discovered that we are following that Hindu Religion told in BIJAK and has nothing to do with Brahmin Religion.
So we will like to request you to mention Correctly that name as Brahmin Religion and not Hindu Religion.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Massage to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo

Hindu Religion is older than Brahmin Religion, Buddhist Religion , Jain Religion , Sikh Religion, and other religions. Brahmins came to India as refugees may be due to tsunami in North pole area where they stayed . They scattered.and and went in small groups considering the populatino of world that time. In India they were and are refugees. They requested for small land for settlement . "Bhatala di li oosari , Bhat halu halu pay pasari " is the historical saying by our ancestors. That should be eye opener. But there were some classes as well and continued long. We should not forget that we were civilized and well cultured people at the time of King Bali and many our Native Kings before Brahmins coming. King Bali's danivrutti shows that we were a religious people. Can any well cultured civilized society develop with out religion? Even Buddha and Mahaveer acknowledged existing of Or religion in the past and religious gurus in the past. Jo Buddha pale huye , jo wartaman me hey and jo bhavish me hoge unhe be vandan confirms that human civilization is not only 3000 to 4000 years old.
Recently the Dharmatma Kabir has revealed and reenforced that Hindu Dharma in Holy BIJAK . And now Hindushave only one code book of Hindu Religion. and that is Holy BIJAK. Due to some ignorance and due to destroying our Hindu Religion and mixing it with Brahmins with their Books and faith, like Buddha Religion the Hindu Religion has disappeared or we can say forgotten , but now we know our reality and having discovered that we are following that Hindu Religion told in BIJAK and has nothing to do with Brahmin Religion.
So we will like to request you to mention Correctly that name as Brahmin Religion and not Hindu Religion.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Massage to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo

Friday, November 4, 2011
Brahins do not believe in Hindu Religion
Nitin Gadkari, President , BJP and activist of RSS what said is perhaps his personal opinion. But this is not the opinion of RSS and BJP. Otherwise Mr. Advani would not have taken his infamous Yatra which demolished Babri Mandir the prayer place of Muslims. As Gadkari admitted they have nothing to do with Hindu religion . They follow Brahmin Religion. Hindu religion is for people except Brahmins. They take the benefit of Hindutva without following Hindu Religion.
Further all Brahmins and RSS knows that there are no God as such Hindus believe. God are created by Brahmins and there for Brahmins are above Gods and need not worship the non existing Gods. Only Foolish people do not know that.
At the same time RSS and all their branches including BJP go on fooling Hindus and almost every day a number of new God and Goddess are Invented/ Discovered and lakhs of useless Gods/ Goddess are Built and encouraged to built by Brahmins to fool and kept engaged in worthless Puja/ Archana and non existing Satya Narayan etc. We have there fore given an enlightening call to our Hindu Religion Brothers and sisters to have faith only in one code book of Hindu Religion which is Holy Bijak rejecting all Brahminical books like Veds, Smruties, etc.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Massage to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Further all Brahmins and RSS knows that there are no God as such Hindus believe. God are created by Brahmins and there for Brahmins are above Gods and need not worship the non existing Gods. Only Foolish people do not know that.
At the same time RSS and all their branches including BJP go on fooling Hindus and almost every day a number of new God and Goddess are Invented/ Discovered and lakhs of useless Gods/ Goddess are Built and encouraged to built by Brahmins to fool and kept engaged in worthless Puja/ Archana and non existing Satya Narayan etc. We have there fore given an enlightening call to our Hindu Religion Brothers and sisters to have faith only in one code book of Hindu Religion which is Holy Bijak rejecting all Brahminical books like Veds, Smruties, etc.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Massage to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Madess of Arvind Kejariwl in writing letter to PM
Non payment to appropriate authority is no payment. His letter to PM is the testimony of his foolishness. Such irrelevant things are done by mad person only. Because he does not look of sound mind based on his action, he is unfit for any service in government , even not mentally fit for peons post as he will take the post to wrong person and wrong address. This is also indication that Anna likes such fools and surrounded and guided by mad peoples. This gang is similar to that gang of mad people who killed Mahatma Gandhi . That mad gang was having a Brahamin boy Nathuram Godse who fired several bullets from zero range in the heart of Mahatma Gandhi, killing him on spot while he was going to prayers. Wording of letter to PM by Kejariwal is like same hurting him deep and anguish that India have to bear with such foolish peoples. But this is the world where we find Such Ravans always.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Massage to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Massage to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Fake and Illegal fast of Anna Hajare
Fast is not the legal tool of governance. As per legal system it is called suicide attempt punishable as per existing laws. Expert in fake fasts , Mr. Anna Hajare is threatening government, to start fast directing government to pass Jan Lok Pal Bill in winter session of Lok Sabha. He is issuing such statements again and again. Some times he is writing letters to Prime Minister to show how important person he is. He is a fit case to take legal action and put him in jail. Last time the government took him lightly and treated him nicely assuming that he is like a fool child need little more care and love. But now he is showing the symptoms of acute madness . He is not fit to live in free democratic society like ours. His place is in Pagalkhana where he can go on threatening government till he gets well. A corrupt man himself being answerable in SC for corruption as per Justice PB Sawant report is diverting attention from this to his foolish act of fast which is no more useful in elective democracy.What this government will do during his next such attempt is to be seen . On this day we remember Sardar Patel who was taking strong decisions for unification of nation and we would be proud to be strong in governance like him. But we would have allowed him to end his life without any remorse to safeguard Parliamentary System of governance having no room to such illegal means now treating the same as a terrorist act making clear and giving strong signals to nation, such self declared and illegal fasts have no place now in Constitutional governance.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Massage to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Massage to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
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