Hindus never accepted Brahmin Religion as their Religion. But Brahmin religion people go on making propaganda that Brahmins are Hindus. For their own interest Brahmins make such claim. But when it is not in the interest of Hindu Religion and Hindu people why Hindus should accept Brahmins claim? Unfortunately some ignorant people are mixing Brahmin Religion with Hindu Religion. Brahmins have habit of that. they have mixed Brahmin religion with Buddhist Religion, Sikhs Religion, Jain Religion so many things. Do Buddhist people will accept Brahmins that mixing up and claim ? If not why Hindus are being asked agained and again to accept Brahmin Religion as Hindu Religion.? We are clarifying that Hindu Religion is separate and Brahmin Religion is separate. So at least educated and thinking people should not mix up both and scold Hindu Religion instead of Brahmin Religion. People should be fare to say it is Brahmin Religion , we repeat Brahmin Religion.
Hindu Religion is older than Brahmin Religion, Buddhist Religion , Jain Religion , Sikh Religion, and other religions. Brahmins came to India as refugees may be due to tsunami in North pole area where they stayed . They scattered.and and went in small groups considering the populatino of world that time. In India they were and are refugees. They requested for small land for settlement . "Bhatala di li oosari , Bhat halu halu pay pasari " is the historical saying by our ancestors. That should be eye opener. But there were some classes as well and continued long. We should not forget that we were civilized and well cultured people at the time of King Bali and many our Native Kings before Brahmins coming. King Bali's danivrutti shows that we were a religious people. Can any well cultured civilized society develop with out religion? Even Buddha and Mahaveer acknowledged existing of Or religion in the past and religious gurus in the past. Jo Buddha pale huye , jo wartaman me hey and jo bhavish me hoge unhe be vandan confirms that human civilization is not only 3000 to 4000 years old.
Recently the Dharmatma Kabir has revealed and reenforced that Hindu Dharma in Holy BIJAK . And now Hindushave only one code book of Hindu Religion. and that is Holy BIJAK. Due to some ignorance and due to destroying our Hindu Religion and mixing it with Brahmins with their Books and faith, like Buddha Religion the Hindu Religion has disappeared or we can say forgotten , but now we know our reality and having discovered that we are following that Hindu Religion told in BIJAK and has nothing to do with Brahmin Religion.
So we will like to request you to mention Correctly that name as Brahmin Religion and not Hindu Religion.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Massage to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo

Hindu Religion is older than Brahmin Religion, Buddhist Religion , Jain Religion , Sikh Religion, and other religions. Brahmins came to India as refugees may be due to tsunami in North pole area where they stayed . They scattered.and and went in small groups considering the populatino of world that time. In India they were and are refugees. They requested for small land for settlement . "Bhatala di li oosari , Bhat halu halu pay pasari " is the historical saying by our ancestors. That should be eye opener. But there were some classes as well and continued long. We should not forget that we were civilized and well cultured people at the time of King Bali and many our Native Kings before Brahmins coming. King Bali's danivrutti shows that we were a religious people. Can any well cultured civilized society develop with out religion? Even Buddha and Mahaveer acknowledged existing of Or religion in the past and religious gurus in the past. Jo Buddha pale huye , jo wartaman me hey and jo bhavish me hoge unhe be vandan confirms that human civilization is not only 3000 to 4000 years old.
Recently the Dharmatma Kabir has revealed and reenforced that Hindu Dharma in Holy BIJAK . And now Hindushave only one code book of Hindu Religion. and that is Holy BIJAK. Due to some ignorance and due to destroying our Hindu Religion and mixing it with Brahmins with their Books and faith, like Buddha Religion the Hindu Religion has disappeared or we can say forgotten , but now we know our reality and having discovered that we are following that Hindu Religion told in BIJAK and has nothing to do with Brahmin Religion.
So we will like to request you to mention Correctly that name as Brahmin Religion and not Hindu Religion.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Massage to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo

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