Sunday, August 26, 2012


Once upon a time the whole India was Hindustan and land of Hindu Religion people.

Videshi Brahmins came to India as refugees and gradually took the benefit of our simplicity. They declared their Brahmin Religion books as books of Hindu Religion destroying our original Native Hindu Religion. They declared themselves as Brahmins and other Native people in lower thee Varnas namely Kshatriya, Vaisha Shudra and Untouchables. 

Except Brahmins all remaining people are Native People.

Some Native people tried to fight with Videshi Brahmins and in the process declared them selves as Buddhist, Jains, Sikhs. But having left Hindus they become Minority.

Some Native People converted to Muslim, Christian Religion and they are also Minorities and given up fight with Brahmins feeling that they are not exploited by Brahmins any more now.

But Hindus have to suffer at the hands of Videshi Brahmins and their inhuman Brahmin Religion  since Videshi Brahmin entry in India.

The Native  People left Hindu umbrella have memory of Brahmin atrocities alve in their mind but forget that their vigor is lost as they become Minority and separate ideology.

It is for Majority Hindus to revive original Hindu Religion declaring Brahmin Non Hindus and Non Hindustani. This will be done by Hindus alone and we do not need helf of those who left Hindus.

Native Hindus are capable to bring radical  change in India. We only expect from those who left Hindu Religion to do one favor to Hindus . Please Say Brahmin are Videshis and Not Hindus. Please say Brahmin Religion and Hindu religion are separate. please say Brahmin Religion Books like Vedas, Manu Smriti, Bhagwat are not Hindu Religion books . Please say that Hindu Religion code book is Holy Bijak.

Your cooperation will make our fight easy and and you will also be glad.

Nv. D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party

Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo 

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