Friday, March 27, 2015

Mul Bhartiya Vichar Manch : We Think :

Samarat Ashoka's Birth Tithi and Maha Parinirvan Tithi :


We think that the Tithi of Samrat Ashoka Birth may be equally auspicious like Asthami , Dashmi , Purnima . Ashoka accepted Buddha Dharm on Vijaya Dashmi , and as Bodhisattava must have attained Mahaparinirvan on Purnima . Since we have no written record showing the Birth Tithi of Ashoka , we think , Budddhist of World may agree to Chaitra Shudha Asthami as Birth Tithi of Samrat Ashoka . It means it should fall on 27 th March , 2015 in this year . Similarly Samarat Ashoka must have attained Nirvan on Ashadh Purnima as such a benevolent Samarat who cared every life , animal and human must have rested in peace on such Purnima Day only .

To sum up , we can say :

Samrat Ashoka was Born on Chaitra Shudha Asthami which falls on 27 th day of March , 2015 this year .

Samrat Ashoka accepted Buddhism on Vijaya Dashmi  Tithi of Ashvin Shudha Dashami this year is on 22-23 October , 2015

Samarat Ashoka Maha Parinirvan Tithi on Aashadha Purnima which falls 31 July , 2015 this year .

Since Samarat Ashoka is a historical most benevolent king given his life for noble cause of Buddha ,  Dharm and Sangha we hope , our views and thinking may be taken into account while while celebrating his Birth Day and other Days . Historians have recorded following words on Ashoka the Great :

 Asoka's edicts are mainly concerned with the reforms he instituted and the moral principles he recommended in his attempt to create a just and humane society. As such, they give us little information about his life, the details of which have to be culled from other sources. Although the exact dates of Asoka's life are a matter of dispute among scholars, he was born in about 304 B.C. and became the third king of the Mauryan dynasty after the death of his father, Bindusara. His given name was Asoka but he assumed the title Devanampiya Piyadasi which means "Beloved-of-the-Gods, He Who Looks On With Affection." There seems to have been a two-year war of succession during which at least one of Asoka's brothers was killed. In 262 B.C., eight years after his coronation, Asoka's armies attacked and conquered Kalinga, a country that roughly corresponds to the modern state of Orissa. The loss of life caused by battle, reprisals, deportations and the turmoil that always exists in the aftermath of war so horrified Asoka that it brought about a complete change in his personality. It seems that Asoka had been calling himself a Buddhist for at least two years prior to the Kalinga war, but his commitment to Buddhism was only lukewarm and perhaps had a political motive behind it. But after the war Asoka dedicated the rest of his life trying to apply Buddhist principles to the administration of his vast empire. He had a crucial part to play in helping Buddhism to spread both throughout India and abroad, and probably built the first major Buddhist monuments. Asoka died in 232 B.C. in the thirty-eighth year of his reign.

We Wish Best on This Chaitra Shudha Asthami , 27 th March , 2015 as Birth Day of Samarat Ashoka .

Nv. D.D.Raut ,
Vicharak , MBVM

Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chhodo , Bharat Jodo

t Buddhist after Lord Buddha must have born on some auspicious day and we think his birth was in BC must have been in Tithi and not in date .

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