Friday, February 27, 2015


Conversion and Re- conversion are not issues for us .

Conversion by a person or group of people and re-conversion same way is not the issue before us as we know conversion and re- conversion is not new to our country .

Buddhism , Jainism , Sikhism , Christanity , Muslim these are the religions native people have converted earlier also . Not only Native , Videshi Brahmins have also converted to these religions .

But there is a difference between Native conversion and Videshi Brahmin conversion . Brahmins want to convert to other religion with their Brahmin superiority and they want if Native people convert  to other religions with Brahmin corrupted Varn , Jaati , Bhedhav, Uchnich system so that the rotten Varnwadi , Jaatiwadi Brahmin system should continue .

We find Brahmins in Buddhist religion , jain religion , Sikh religion , Muslim religion , Christian religion with sole intension of corrupting these religions . The purpose of conversion to these religions is lost so far Native people are concerned .

Brahmins first corrupted Hindu Dharm . Even every Brahmins does that . See the Supreme Court decision of Re - Conversion that took place in Kerala recently . They want to dig the history up to level of Caste and Varn system in Hinduism to that point where it was corrupted by Videshi Brahmins and  not behind that point  where there was no Varn , no Caste system in Hindu Religion during Sindhu Civilization .

We know 3 per cent Brahmins have corrupted our whole system , destroying it yet 97 per cent converted , re - converted , non converted yet following corrupted Hindu Dahrm do not get awake and see the main cause of their slavery , destruction , unhappiness etc etc.

All are engaged in futile talks without pin pointing the culprit , who in fact need to be punished with at least exile from our Native land .

We pin point here and say Videshi Brahmins , Quit India , conversion , re-conversion is not important issue for us at this stage .

Nv. D.D.Raut ,
Vicharak , MBVM

Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chhodo , Bharat Jodo  

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